Our mission is to reduce sufferers dependence on harmful migraine medications through lasting breakthrough interventions that reduce their pain.

The most ground breaking and leading medical thinkers and pioneers in the world contribute to our migraine treatment and science team. These include Prof A.P. Boezaart Dept of Anaesthesiology and Orthopaedic Surgery University of Florida, Dr A. Jose of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS),  Dr F.J. Duminy dual qualified award winning plastic and orthopaedic surgeon and inventor of the VALID technique, and Dr Jean van Lierop, President of SAAAD.

The results of medical breakthroughs, and pivotal clinical trials and studies, are stripped of their technical jargon and written up in the MRI Migraine Patient Library, in language that patients can understand. Along with online and telephone support from our trained consultants, the MRI Migraine Library helps patient’s makes informed choices together with their specialists, about the best migraine treatment options, for their unique set of data.

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