Depo-Medrol (steroid) safety in nerve blocks Safety of intrathecal route: focus to methylprednisolone acetate (Depo-Medrol) use. Occipital and Cervical Nerve Blocks
+ Amitriptyline and Fluvoxamine anti-depressants in Migraine treatment MRI, 21 Aug, 201813 May, 2019, Migraine, Migraine depression and Serotonin, z1 Original, 0 MRI Migraine Specialist Treatment Centers View the original migraine treatment study at this link: A Comparative Study of Amitriptyline and...
+ Epinephrine increases the effect of Lidocaine nerve block MRI, 1 Apr, 20199 May, 2019, Migraine, Migraine Nerves, Nerve blocks for Migraine, z1 Original, 0 MRI Specialist Headache Treatment Centers View the original nerve block study at this link: On the Mechanism by Which...
+ Removing the forehead muscle treats migraine and tension headaches. MRI, 1 Oct, 201813 May, 2019, Migraine, Migraine Muscles, Migraine surgery, Tension Headaches, z1 Original, 0 MRI Specialist Migraine and Tension Headache Treatment Centers The following study investigated how the removal of a forehead muscle...
+ The effect of antidepressants on management of chronic pain MRI, 23 Jul, 201814 May, 2019, Migraine, Migraine depression and Serotonin, Tension Headaches, z1 Original, 0 MRI Specialist Migraine Treatment Centers Antidepressants for pain management From 1966 to 1997, studies in the United States tested...
+ Persistence of attacks of cluster headache after trigeminal nerve root section MRI, 26 Oct, 201810 May, 2019, Cluster headache, Migraine, Migraine Nerves, Migraine surgery, z1 Original, 0 MRI Specialist Cluster Headache Treatment Centers View the full PDF at this link: Role of Trigeminal Microvascular Decompression in the...
+ Prefabricated versus stabilizing integral appliance in headache treatment MRI, 9 Nov, 201814 Feb, 2020, Migraine, Migraine dental connection, z1 Original, 0 Prefabricated versus stabilizing integral appliance in headache treatment Headache: short- and long-term effectiveness of a prefabricated appliance compared to...
+ Nerve Blocks in the treatment of Chronic Pain, Including Chronic Migraine MRI, 1 Apr, 20195 Feb, 2020, Migraine, Migraine Nerves, Nerve blocks for Migraine, z1 Original, 0 Nerve Blocks in the treatment of Chronic Pain, Including Chronic Migraine Nerve Blocks in the treatment of Chronic Pain,...
+ The effect of non-opiate drugs, used for pain relief, on the pain threshold MRI, 12 Oct, 201813 May, 2019, Migraine, z1 Original, 0 MRI Specialist Migraine Treatment Centers Opiates are drugs developed from a substance called opium. These drugs relieve pain...