Finger pressure on migraine arteries
This simple but conclusive study was conducted on 94 migraine patients by world-renowned migraine expert Professor Carlo Cianchetti of the University of Cagliari in Italy.
Cianchetti applied simple finger pressure to the arteries outside of the skull that runs just under the skin. These arteries have been implicated in the pain of many migraine sufferers for decades, the specific measurements relative to the timing of migraine pain being conducted in the 1950s by Harold Wolff. No measurements ever conducted since have refuted the data collected in these original studies. Prof EH Spierings of Harvard Medical School,
the heir to the migraine data throne, speaks directly about these arteries in this one minute clip from his five days of interviews when he visited an MRI migraine facility in 2015.
Cianchetti applied increased pressure for more than 3 minutes to the temporal and occipital arteries. First one at a time, and then to both arteries, depending on the response from the sufferer. The pressure was applied during the migraine attacks and had to be significant enough to stop the blood flowing through the artery.
The patients were selected according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD) which purely a set of symptoms and has no bearing on the causes of migraine pain.
From these 94 migraine patients, 68 % of them experienced a measure of relief when the pressure was applied by Cianchetti. This experience is born out by many, but not all, of MRI’s migraine patients and by migraine patients the world over. Where patients apply this pressure themselves they are most often not aware that they occluding these migraine arteries. This self-diagnosis has enormous value to informed clinicians who have a wide range of methods for treating these arteries successfully.
Cianchetti also found that the longer and more severe the migraine attack had become, the less likely the patient was to respond or experience relief by closing these arteries off with finger pressure.
Of the 94 patient’s there were 71 females and 23 males. All the patients were between the ages of 8 to 62 years with the average age being 21.
View the original migraine artery study at this link: Effectiveness of a prolonged compression of scalp arteries on migraine attacks