Prefabricated versus stabilizing integral appliance in headache treatment
Dilating arteries in the brain for migraine treatment
MRI, , Migraine, Migraine arteries, R1 - Reference added, z1 Original, Animal Experimentation, Dura, Dural Vasodilatation, Middle Meningeal Artery, 0
MRI Migraine Specialist Treatment Centers View the original migraine artery study at this link: Middle Meningeal Artery Dilatation in Migraine ...
The relationship between the arteries and the electrical signals in the brain
MRI, , Migraine, Migraine arteries, R1 - Reference added, z1 Original, 0
MRI Migraine Specialist Treatment Centers View the original artery and CSD study at this link: Distinct Vascular Conduction With Cortical...
Chronic migraine and headache treatment – nerve decompression surgery.
MRI, , Migraine, Migraine nerve decompression, Migraine Nerves, Migraine surgery, Tension Headaches, z4 MRI, 0
Nerve decompression surgery for chronic migraine and headache Fifty-one patients between the ages of 18 and 75 who suffered...
Evaluating the blood flow during migraine aura for a method of migraine treatment
MRI, , Migraine, z1 Original, 0
MRI Specialist Migraine Treatment Centers View the original migraine treatment study at this link: Perfusion-Weighted Imaging Defects During Spontaneous Migrainous Aura
The activity of electrical signals across the brain
MRI, , Migraine, z1 Original, 0
MRI Migraine Specialist Treatment Centers View the original brain study at this link: The activity of electrical signals across the...
A Review of Nerve Block Techniques for Migraine & Primary Headaches
MRI, , Migraine, Migraine Nerves, Nerve blocks for Migraine, z1 Original, 0
A Review of Nerve Block Techniques for Migraine & Primary Headaches Migraine Treatment Specialists, view the original nerve...
The comparison of orthodontic treatment with untreated malocclusions and normal occlusion in females.
MRI, , Migraine, Migraine dental connection, Orthodontics and TMJ/TMD, z1 Original, 0
MRI Specialist Migraine Treatment Centers View the original Orthodontic and TMJ study at this link: Signs of temporomandibular disorders in...
The electrical signals in the brain changed after placing a posture modifying appliance in a patient
MRI, , Migraine dental connection, z1 Original, 0
MRI Specialist Migraine Treatment Centers View the original dental connection to headache study at this link: EEG change after fitting...